Game Music and Sound Design Conference
GameSoundCon 2024
October 29-30
Burbank Convention Center
Burbank, CA & Online

GameSoundCon “Research Track”
Call for Papers
The GameSoundCon organising committee would like to welcome academicians and researchers to
GameSoundCon 2017. GameSoundCon, one of the leading conferences for sound and music in games, is adding a special “research track” this year. This one-day research papers presentation track will provide up-to-the-minute interdisciplinary scholarly research into game music, sound, and virtual reality audio. We are particularly interested in technical scholarly research that will be of interest and benefit to the many industry attendees that we attract. The conference will accept both paper and poster proposals that will be curated by an international committee of academic and industry reviewers.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Audio for virtual and augmented reality
Multi-modal interactivity
Methods and tools for audio production
Algorithmic composition
Physical modelling of sounds/instruments/voice
Design and evaluation methods of sound for games
New technological solutions for game sound/music/voice
Analytical approaches relevant to industry
3D audio
Please submit a two-paragraph abstract of your proposed talk, along with a one-paragraph bio and include any prior speaking experience by June 23, 2017
Please specify RESEARCH TRACK PROPOSAL at the top of your proposal
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline June 23, 2017
Notification of acceptance July 14, 2017.
Camera-ready full-paper submissions should be submitted by October 15 using ACM format (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template)
Conference is November 7-8, 2017