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Speak at GameSoundCon 2024 
Submissions are open

Submissions close May 17, 2024

We use EasyChair for GameSoundCon talk submissions

We accept submissions on any topic directly related to game/interactive audio, from the compositional process and sound design to business and legal issues.  Talks may be 25 or 50 minutes. Panel sessions may also be submitted; panel submissions should include tentative panelist names and added as 'additional speakers'  during the submission process. Panel sessions should comprise a diverse set of panelists.


Submissions may be made for any topic in game audio including

  • Game Music

  • Game Sound Design

  • Game Audio Business/Career

  • Game Audio Research & Technology

Technical, industry and/or academic research in interactive audio technologies, including VR/AR

  • Game Audio Studies

Academic research on game music and sound design; Ludomusicology, etc

  • Dialogue and Performance

Sessions dedicated to game dialogue techniques, process, talent, technology and implementation​

  • Game Audio Education

Talks or sessions on game audio education, at the post-secondary level


Submission deadline: May 17, 2024


If your studio is thinking about multiple submissions, talk to us about arranging a "Studio Deep Dive," a coordinated set of talks covering multiple disciplines from the same title. Put "Studio Deep Dive" in your submission.


Note: although GameSoundCon is Hybrid, we are unable to accommodate remote speakers. 


Before you submit, please have the following information ready:

1)   Title of your talk

2)  Preferred duration (25 or 50 minute)

3)  Track (Music, Sound Design, Dialogue, Business/Career, Game Audio Studies, Research/Technology, VR, Education)

4)  3 keywords for your talk

5)  A 2-3 paragraph abstract of your proposed talk

6)  A description of the audience takeaway-- what will attendees gain from attending this talk?

7)  A 1 paragraph bio.  Include any prior speaking experience (GDC, AES, etc.)

If submitting a panel session, please add each panelist as a 'speaker' when submitting.

Please include bio on the same document as your submission.

Before submitting, you may also want to read the "How to make a new submission" instructions

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