Game Music and Sound Design Conference
GameSoundCon 2024
October 29-30
Burbank Convention Center
Burbank, CA & Online

GameSoundCon Game Audio Industry Survey 2017
The Results are in..
Our survey ran from June 15 to July 30, 2017 and was promoted heavily via social media and other game or music industry web sites. We received 464 usable responses from all around the world. Monetery values have been converted to USD.
Thank you to the Game Audio Network Guild for their assistance with the GameSoundCon Game Audio Industry Survey
The report focuses on:
1/ Compensation
2/ Work and Environment/Getting Gigs
3/ Additional Compensation (Bonuses/Royalties)
4/ Use of Live Musicians & Middleware
5/ Contract Terms & PROs
6/ Education
Among the findings:
Women game composers and sound designers are up to 12.7% of the industry
Up from 10.4% in 2016 and 7% in 2015
Average Salary (employee): $69,848
Women, on average earn 83% what men earn
1 in 6 salaried employees also earn freelance income on the side
Average 'side' income: $15,604​
72% of game composers also deliver SFX
Freelancers have lower average incomes, but also have the highest incomes
The most common "per minute" rates for composition:
74% of game audio professionals have a Bachelor's degree or higher
Median game audio first-year salary: $33,276
You can view the complete report here
About the Game Audio Industry Survey
In 2012, The game development web site, Gamasutra, published the results of their annual game developer salary survey. That year, the results were somewhat puzzling, with “audio” salaries coming in higher than every other discipline except “business and management.”
Part of the reason for this unexpected result is that audio, more than most other game disciplines, has a very high percentage of non-salaried freelancers, which are unaccounted for in the Gamautra survey. Gamasutra also commented on the “smaller pool of respondents,” (33 audio professionals completed the survey) causing the results to be more easily skewed.
With that in mind, we created a survey that attempted to more accurately capture the issues of contracts, terms and compensation in game audio.
Our goals were to have a survey that:
• Reflected the freelancer segment of our industry
• We agressively promoted to increse response rate
• Covered some business issues unique to game music and sound
Since then, the GameSoundCon Industry Survey has become the leading resource on business and productions aspects of working in game music and sound design.
Read the 2014 Game Audio Industry Survey